

Maureen McEvoy, MA, RCC has been in private practice for more than 20 years. She works with individuals, couples and groups. She counsels clients who have experienced trauma, either recent or historical. She is certified in trauma modalities such as Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) and Developmental Needs Meeting Strategy (DNMS). Other approaches include art therapies, hypnosis and mindfulness.

She also works with couples using Imago Relationship therapy. She is an Advanced Imago clinician (1996) and a Certified Workshop presenter of the Getting the Love You Want weekend workshop based on the work of Harville Hendrix.


Maureen believes that each of us is able to be the author of our own lives, and that we have an inborn urge to grow towards our full potential. She sees her role in counselling to provide an environment of safety, witnessing, reflection, and support that facilitates such growth. She wishes to guide people to a deeper understanding of themselves and their situation, to befriend their challenges and embrace their strengths. She believes that self-awareness and self-acceptance are critical ingredients in order to live a happier and more fulfilling life. Clients experience her as respectful, curious, pragmatic and compassionate.

She also believes that psychological issues can never be reduced to the individual, but are always related to culture, social settings and society. Therefore, problems need to be addressed in context.

Consultation and supervision
She is a long standing instructor with the Justice Institute of BC, teaching other counsellors skills for working with survivors of child sexual abuse and other domestic traumas. She provides clinical consultations to a number of counsellors and agencies.

Public speaking
Maureen is also available for keynote presentations. She has given talks on a variety of trauma and relationship topics to mental health professionals, school and church groups, police and lawyers, nurses and doctors.

Training Workshops

Maureen is widely acknowledged as a skilled clinician, noted for her warmth, humour and creativity in her training workshops. These workshops are available in a variety of formats and lengths – 1-2 days workshop, half day and lunchtime. After discussion with you about your organizations’ needs, she will design a specific program to meet those needs. Maureen is also available for keynote presentations.

Examples of recent training seminars:

• Counselling approaches with trauma survivors

• Working with intimate partners where one partner is a trauma survivor.

• Trauma, dissociation and memory

• Concurrent disorders among trauma survivors

• Self harm within the context of trauma experiences

• Group work with trauma survivors

• Exploring non-verbal approaches in group with trauma survivors

• Working with couples experiencing infertilityLegal issues facing counsellors (informed consent, record keeping, responding to a request for disclosure of notes)

• Vicarious Traumatization – what it is and how to mitigate its impact

• Cyber counselling – the benefits and challenges, legal and ethical issues associated with using technology such as email, chat therapy, Skype, video conferencing with clients

I provide counselling for individuals, couples and groups on a wide range of issues including post-traumatic stress reactions, sexuality, relationships,  self-esteem and depression. Area of specialization is with adult survivors of childhood abuse and other family dysfunctions. A particular interest is working with couples where one or both of the partners is a survivor of childhood trauma. I also work with couples experiencing infertility.

Some of my clinical approaches include EMDR, DNMS, Somatic Experiencing and creative processes such as journaling and art therapy, hypnosis and Imago Relationship therapy.

I have been in private practice since 1987 and I found that learning never ends!

I completed my Masters in Counselling Psychology from UBC in 1993. Before that I obtained a Bachelor of Journalism (Honours) from Carleton University in 1984. I got a BA from Simon Fraser University in 1978. I first became interested in this work as a volunteer with the Ottawa Rape Crisis Centre in the early 1980’s.

I have taken numerous workshops and seminars since l984. Frequent continuing education topics have included trauma, dissociation, couples counselling, sexuality, sexual and gender orientation, self injurious behaviours and addiction. 

I am a Certified Imago Relationship Therapist, 1996, Advanced Clinician, 1999 and Certified Imago Workshop Presenter (2008). I have completed training in EMDR ( Level II, 1995), DMNS (2003) and Somatic Experiencing (2015). I have also completed courses on clinical supervision through AAMFT, City University and the Justice Institute of B.C.

Balancing Conflicting Interests: A counsellor’s guide to the legal process.
Justice Institute of B.C. New Westminster, B.C. 2008, 1996.
Currently being updated; Available Fall 2008 from

Best Practices Manual for the Stopping the Violence (STV) Counselling Program
Co-authored with Maggie Ziegler. (June 2006). Vancouver, BC; BC Association of Specialized Victim and Counselling Programs.
Online at

Hazardous terrain: Countertransference reactions in trauma groups
Co-authored with Maggie Ziegler, in Group Psychotherapy for Psychological Trauma (Klein, V. and Schermer, R., Editors). (2000) Guilford Press: New York.

“Controversies and courts: The Canadian response to the disputed memory debate.” Treating Abuse Today, Nov./Dec 1995.

“Wounds to the soul: The experiences of aboriginal women survivors of sexual abuse.” Canadian Psychology, 36:3, 1995

"Repairing personal boundaries: Group therapy with survivors of sexual abuse" in Healing Voices: Feminist Approaches to Therapy with Women, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, l990.

Let the Healing Begin: Breaking the cycle of child sexual abuse in our communities. Nicola Valley Institute of Technology, Box 399, Merritt, B.C. V0K 2V0, l990.

"Child Sexual Abuse - A l990 Snapshot" in Teachers' Manual, The C.A.R.E. KIT.
C.A.R.E. Society, Surrey, B.C. l991.

Relationship resources:

Imago Relationships Work

Trauma resources:


• DMNS (Developmental Needs Meeting strategy)

• David Baldwin’s Trauma Pages

• Sidran Foundation

Somatic Experiencing 

Counselling resources:

• BC Association of Clinical Counsellors

• BC Association of Specialized Victim Assistance and Counselling programs – a resource for community-based services that support survivors of sexual assault, relationship violence, child abuse and criminal harassment.

• Counselling BC – comprehensive listing of counsellors available in BC with associated articles

I offer both in person and virtual counselling to all clients.

Phone: 604-873-3278

Fax: 604-733-3959


Suite 413–1788 W. 5th Ave.